Posts in Category ‘QRP’

Back on the bench for the NorCal 40B

Yes, it was fun to build and operate, but it is just not right.  The FREQ-Mite audio level is too high (even after increasing the inline resistor to one megohm), and the RF power output is too low.  Lacking any real test equipment (such as a means to measure inductance) I am not sure the little radio will ever be what should be.  The question is: will the NorCal 40B make its way back to the operating desk or just become a knickknack on the shelf?  Time will tell, but at this point my hopes are not very high.

Footnote: The morning after the above post just before pulling the NorCal 40B offline I had a very nice QSO with a station about 580 miles away.  So even at a max of 1.5 watts out I can still work other stations and have a real QSO.  It is important to point out the other station was very loud in North Georgia.

Finished NorCal 40B (not really)

This is the semi-finished NorCal 40B.  (I chose to place the FREQ-Mite’s activation bottom above the RIT switch.)  I am not sure the little radio will ever be finished. It is more and experiment than a anything else.  I added up to a one megohm resistor to the audio line from the FREQ-Mite and the level is still too high.    The power output appears to be too low, but my measuring devices are not all that precise.  I do not have any real test equipment just a DMM, an Elecraft W1 Power Meter (kit built) and a home-built RF probe.  That said it was fun to build, enjoy following all the web chatter about the radio and I can have nice QSO’s with the little thing.  It was especially enjoyable and interesting to build the transceiver by circuit stage.   I am ready to build more stuff!


The FREQ-Mite was received and is on the bench (actually a table).  It came fast and in perfect condition.  A parts inventory showed all was received in order.

FREQ-mite received and ready to be built

I started to put the parts on the board.  I tend to build these kits slowly as it is the journey not the destination.  Although there has to be a destination that includes a functional and useful end result.

Freq-Mite build in process


Temporary became pemanent

The once temporary operating position for my QRP radios has become permanent as it is really the only place available (for now). The bug fits nicely behind the small keyboard.  My other QRP radio (Penntek TR-25) is standing by at the ready.

I have had several great rag chews over the last two weeks on 40 meters during the daylight hours using just two watts output.  These QSO’s have been in the 150 to 350 mile range.  I have also found that my old Lafeyette Radio bug works better than I remember.  I guess over 50 years on the shelf brought out its good side.

A real QSO with the NorCal 40B

Yes, two watts is useable with an attic antenna for a nice QSO.  A little rig like the NorCal 40B goes very nicely for a long rag chew when things are just right (band conditions, time of day and distance).  I had just such a QSO with a station about 340 miles away during the daytime hours.  Great chat until my fist decided it was time.

This is my temporary QRP radio setup.  The keyboard normally resides on the pullout shelf.  (One screw still to be put in the top cover -hi hi.)  Behind the radio is my Elecraft W1 Power Meter and the bug is a Lafayette Radio MS-435 circa the early 1960’s.


NorCal 40B – It works

Well – the NorCal 40B works.  I aimed for short contacts to test the little radio and it works.  A SOTA contact, three POTA contacts and an SKCC contact, and the thing works.  It is running ~2 watts and due to user error the first contact (SOTA in KY) was made at ~.3 watts.

I did mess up the case a bit.  It is a clever way to make a case, but a bit cheesy.  That is no excuse for the small mistake I made in assembling it.

NorCal 40B wired

Well, the wiring of the NorCal 40B is finished.  I slow walked the process over concerns of one of the intermediate steps in the build.  Good thing it’s the journey and not the destination that counts because so far the destination is not so hot!  (Please see subsequent posts,)

NorCal 40B

I started the build of the NorCal 40B kit by NM0S Electronics.  I am building it by circuit stage not by the normal manual method.  We will see how that goes.

The contest for non-contester

The SKCC WES is fun for a non-contester. Every so often I spend a short time operating the WES and the two hour Sprints. It is a good time to give my TR-25 a workout. Below is a picture of the little radio in action from Studio HO during the March 2022 WES.


Straight Key Sprint – October 2021

I am not a contester, but from time to time I make a few contacts during the monthly SKCC’s SKS. I am finding it a good time to put my TR-25 on line. I have to streamline the setup so when using my “field radio” on the operating table it is not a sight. I used my original straight key from 1958. Please see the photo below.