Ham Radio Videos (pro and con)
I have never been much of a social media person. The only logon I have is with YouTube. Several years ago, I posted a few radio videos, but they did not stay up very long. I have found several radio videos informative. The best posts I viewed have been from newer younger hams and have discussed interesting topics. Of course, I have some negative thoughts also. It appears as the number of YouTubers increases the amount of not so valuable content increases as well. A new radio is announced, and all are posting videos many without firsthand knowledge of the product. Equipped with only what they read from the published literature a video is posted to what appears to not be left out of the fray. Also, at times videos meant to instruct will be posted by individuals without full knowledge of the topic. I watched one recently where the publisher admitted he did not know much about CW, but non the less went on to describe a radio’s CW functions. He went as far as sending CQ and he did not know the letter Q. My concern here is that those looking to gain knowledge may be misled by inaccurate videos. Many new hams I am sure look to social media to grow their knowledge of the hobby and may be sent down the wrong path.