MacLoggerDX – pretty good!

Still in a learning curve MacLoggerDX is doing a good job.  So far, the shortfalls are ones I knew of before I made the purchase so I would never consider those items a negative (including being pricy).  It runs very well on the Mac and supplied the info necessary to talk to popular digital programs.  It has a whole bunch of features and will take some time to work through them all (or most).  Of the two digital mode programs I have found that WSJT-X is the most seamless with MacLoggerDX.  Fldigi is a bit clunky (I used MultiPSK on the windows machine).  I hope I can make improvements with the interface with Fldigi, but I am not too hopeful that will happen.

For information purposes the following are things I knew going in that would have been nice to have:

  • User define fields
  • Mapping of fields from my former logger to MacLoggerDX

“Nice to have” items I should have known about:

  • It would be nice to have more rig control including user specific commands.  (e.g. VOX on and off and a tune button)
  • More to come (?).

Not so good:

  • In the QSL received field  DXLab puts a Y for QSL received and R to request a QSL.  When the confirmation process in MLDX was run it confirmed 100% of all QSO’s in my log (entered using DXLab) as the QSL R field contained data.  Note: This issue was corrected in v6.54.