Posts in Category ‘HW-8’

HW-8: Modify or not.

As mentioned below in this blog the earphones I am using are far from comfortable.  Also, in low light conditions it is hard to read the dial.  To modify or not?  I would not do anything that could not be reversed (at least at this point).  However, the use of the HW-8 would be greatly enhanced with certain mods such as improved audio and being able to read the dial and know the radio is powered up in all light conditions.

HW-8 Update

Well, the HW-8 works, but it needs help.  I guess that is to be expected for a radio of its vintage.  The receiver is hot, but too many of the stations heard are in one spot (hi).  I worked stations in the first hour of this past weekend’s WES, but it was difficult.  I listened to the radio on 40 meters during the daylight hours on a web SDR receiver and the signal sounded clean.

I am not sure where to go from here.  Alignment is in order, but lack of test equipment and aging coil cores have me concerned.  I do have the alignment tool I believe from my HW-7 build so so many years ago but am just not sure whether it is worth the risk of the cores breaking.  Having the VFO a lot closer to frequency would be nice.  Also, I have to get headphones that are a lot more comfortable to wear or take the plunge and modify the radio.

For some reason I just feel bugs are the best keys to use with my QRP radios.  It is not for the lack of keyers I could use.

The HW-8 is in the shack

The HW-8 arrived at ~19:15 local time last night.  It was well packed and in very good physical condition.  The first step was to put Anderson Powerpoles on the power leads.  Next was to turn the HW-8 on and see how my WWII headphones worked after being on the shelf unused for over 55 years.  They worked like a charm!  So far, I only tried the little radio on 40 meters.  I listened and had a POTA contact with a park in Texas.  All I noted so far is (only on 40 meters):

  • The received is hot.
  • The dial is a lot more off frequency than the seller said it was.
  • The meter pins when tuning for peak output.  Note:  The pinning is the result of a cold solder joint on R303 in the meter circuit.
  • My power meter shows an output of 2 watts.
  • Most concerning is a low-level signal just above the tuned frequency being generated in receive.  It was detected on the P3 when testing the radio into a dummy load.  It was not seen when the HW-8 was transmitting into the antenna.  The signal may be too weak to be detected when the K3 is not on the antenna.  Further research is required.  Note: This signal is not being transmitted over the air.  Also, it appears this is normal internal generated RF.

Another attempt at nostalgia.

In December 2021 I attempted entry into ham radio nostalgia with the purchase on eBay of an HW-16.  Although the HW-16 is not representative of my early days in Ham Radio it was a manageable substitute.  Thanks to FedEx it turned out to be only a shipping cost to me and the return of a damaged radio to the seller.  Fast forward to March/April 2024 and I am waiting for an HW-8 purchased from an ad on  The funds have been sent to the seller and I am waiting to receive the radio with fingers crossed.  Will it be received at all and if so, will it be in good shape and will it be as advertised.  Stay tuned.

Note:  Back in the day I built an HW-7.  I do not remember what happened to that radio.